On the territory of the municipality is held the "Month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" in accordance with the Programme of activities approved by the Head of administration of Ulyanovsk city.

The main objectives of the campaign "Month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" on the territory of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" is the wide involvement of the population of the city of the event, creating a positive attitude towards the tax and financial literacy, and increasing tax and non-tax revenues in the budget.

This promotion includes the following areas:

- work with the public (lessons, financial literacy for students of educational institutions, students, employees of enterprises and organizations of the city, pensioners, small and medium business; information campaign; work "hot lines");


- carrying out activities aimed at the growth of revenues to the budget (the work of the Interagency Commission for increasing tax and non-tax potential of the municipality "city of Ulyanovsk", working groups on different types of income);

- combating the "shadow sector" of the economy (inventory of site to identify entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity without registration of the relevant legal and financial documentation work with informal employment).

In the framework of the campaign "Month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" on the territory of the municipality "city of Ulyanovsk" in February of 2017 financial literacy lessons conducted:

for students of educational institutions (MBOU "secondary school № 48", MBOU "secondary school № 8", MBOU "secondary school № 17", MBOU "secondary school № 10", MBOU "secondary school № 35", MBOU "secondary school № 52", MBOU "secondary school № 63", MBOU "secondary school № 64", MBOU "secondary school № 69", MBOU "secondary school № 58", MBOU "secondary school № 29", MBOU "secondary school № 57");

- for students (of the "USU", UPOO "utep Centrosoyuz RF");

- for employees of enterprises (FGU "Ulyanovsk dam);

- for retirees of the municipality (on the grounds of the Center for active aging OGBONO "Complex center of social service "Istok" in Ulyanovsk, the University's active longevity "50 plus");

- for subjects of small and average business (at the sites of ANO "Centre for entrepreneurship").

The financial literacy lessons attended 746 people.

In General, the activities held on the territory of the municipality in the framework of the campaign "Month of tax and financial literacy" are covered by 1703 people.



In the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" in 79 schools in the city of Ulyanovsk will be held in class hours, discussions, excursions to the banks of the city. The topics of the presentations varied: "the Deficit and the surplus in the family budget", "What it means to be financially literate?", Financial education in the family" etc. Also the students will show the presentation of the Bank of Russia "money "YOU".

On may 2, 2017, in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" with the participation of head of the office of customer service PJSC "Bank" Dmitrichenko E. V. conducted a lesson of financial literacy on the basis of  Of the "Ulyanovsk state technical University". Coverage was 73 listener.


In the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" on may 3, 2017 the lessons of financial literacy with the participation of specialists of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation office of the Ulyanovsk region, JSC Bank "Venets", Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk.

The lessons were held on the basis of  OGB POU "Ulyanovsk College of catering and trade", Of the "USPU them. I. N. Ulyanov" 

and of the "Ulyanovsk state technical University".

Audience reach was 200 students.

May 5, 2017, OGB POU "Ulyanovsk professional-pedagogical College" and Of the "Ulyanovsk College of railway transport" 

steel platforms for conducting activities to improve the financial literacy of the population.

Economist of the 1st category of summary economic Department of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Department for Ulyanovsk region Kleimenova N. In. and the chief specialist - the expert of Department of planning of revenues, monitoring of revenues and implementation of tax policy Financial management of a city Administration of Ulyanovsk Mischenko D. V. conducted financial literacy lessons, where students could get acquainted with basic financial concepts and principles of financial literacy behavior, learn more about the protection of their rights, and to discuss how to approach the making of their first financial decisions and build a family budget.

Audience reach was 186 students.

06 and 10 may 2017 in the framework of the campaign "Month of tax and financial literacy", with the participation of employees of JSC "ALFA-BANK" Semenova I. Yu., staff Financial management of a city Administration of Ulyanovsk Sidorova N. Yu. and Mischenko D. V. were the lessons of financial literacy and tax assistance to students of Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy im. P. A. Stolypin and Ulyanovsk state technical University.

The lessons were consecrated on the following topics: "Modern technologies in methods of cashless payment," "the Art of accumulation," "Effective management of personal and family budget", "Bank cards and payment system."

Audience reach was more than 260 students.

11 may 2017 in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" the lessons of financial literacy on the basis of OGBO "Ulyanovsk multidisciplinary College" and UMUP "Teplocom" at participation of employees of PJSC "Pochtobank" and Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk.

16 may 2017 in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" the lessons of financial literacy on the basis of  UMUP vkkh "Ulyanovskvodokanal" and Yeah POU "Ulyanovsk aviation College - regional center of competence".

The classes were held with participation of head of the office of customer service PJSC "Bank" Dmitrichenko E. V., head of Department of the account and work with taxpayers on Russia Morozova E. V., Deputy chief of the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor gross A. E.

In teaching, the lecturers spoke about consumer protection and reasonable behaviour on the market of financial services, on the advantages of using plastic cards and the security of their use, the advantages of the use of the personal Cabinet of the taxpayer, etc.

Coverage amounted to more than 280 students.

17 may 2017 on the basis of OGB POU "Ulyanovsk pedagogical College" 

there was a lesson of financial literacy. Specialist of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Department for Ulyanovsk region Kleimenova N. In. told about what services are available to citizens on the financial market, what are the risks, hazards and errors can be trapped.

18 may 2017 on the basis Of the "Ulyanovsk state technical University" 

was the lesson of financial literacy. Head of Department of the account and work with taxpayers of the Federal tax service Inspectorate for Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk, E. V. Morozova told about the types of taxes paid by the population, as well as about the benefits of using the personal Cabinet of the taxpayer.

19 may 2017 in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" the lessons of financial literacy on a platform IN "Ulyanovsk state technical University",  JSC "NPP "Zavod Iskra" and OGBP OU "Ulyanovsk Electromechanical College".

The classes were held with participation of specialists of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Department for Ulyanovsk region, Lysenko Dmitry Alekseevich, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation, JSC "Russian agricultural Bank" Polyakov Konstantin Yurevich, of the Federal tax service Inspectorate for Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk Morozova Elena Vyacheslavovna.

During lessons, raised the topic: "Basics of safe behavior of the consumer of financial services", "Effective budget management", "the Art of accumulation of funds, Required tax payments, Possible risks and ways to protect their rights in the banking sector", etc.

22 may 2017 in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" held a lesson of financial literacy of the population in DC "Kondakova". The representative of the office of the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare in the Ulyanovsk region gross Alla Eduardovna told about the fundamental rights of consumer of financial services and about what to do if rights are violated.

Specialist of JSC "Binbank" Dmitrichenko Ekaterina in the format of a dialogue was consecrated theme and reasonable behaviour on the market of financial services. Spoke about the benefits of using plastic cards, security of their use and how to protect yourself from financial scams.

Received by pensioners knowledge of financial and tax literacy will help to protect yourself from financial fraud and to properly dispose of the money.


May 23, 2017 in the framework of the month tax assistance and financial literacy organized the lesson in OGBU "Complex center of social service "Istok".

The representative of the "Department of Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare in the Ulyanovsk region" A. E. gross told the seniors about how to protect their rights in the provision of financial services, as well as how to detect and desist from imposing various insurances and other services.

The representative of the credit institution PJSC "Bank Mail" D. V. Zelenev made with the theme of safe use of Bank cards, smart management of their deposits, percent.

24 may 2017 as part of a month the tax assistance and financial literacy was the lesson of the tax assistance and financial literacy for workers PJSC "T Plus" 

on the topic of "Fraud on the market of financial services". The lesson was conducted by the representative of the credit institution PJSC "Bank" Dmitrichenko E. V. a Lot of questions from employees about the safe use of plastic cards, and also savings funds.

25 and 26 may 2017 in the framework of "month of the tax assistance and financial literacy" were the lessons of financial literacy in OGBO "Ulyanovsk medical College" and OGBO "Ulyanovsk College of industry technology and design."

One of the lessons of the representative of the office of the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare in the Ulyanovsk region gross A. E. told about the fundamental rights of consumer of financial services and about what to do if rights are violated.

A spokesman for the Financial management of a city Administration of Ulyanovsk Sidorova M. Y. in a dialogue format highlighted economic terms, spoke about the types of Bank cards and payment systems, their differences, the rules about payment security when using cards.
Students the basics of financial and tax literacy will help them to properly dispose of the money now, to protect themselves from financial scams, to find solutions to financial problems in adult life.

At the end of the fourth week of the Month tax assistance and financial literacy in the city of Ulyanovsk may 30, 2017 passed the financial literacy lessons in  MUP "Ulyanovskelectrosvyaz" and 31 brigade of the airborne troops.

Speakers lesson in MUP "Ulyanovskelectrosvyaz" became a specialist of the JSC "Binbank" Dmitrichenko Ekaterina and specialist of Federal tax service Inspectorate for Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk Elena Morozova Vyacheslavovna.

Specialist tax presented to employees electronic service "Personal Cabinet of the taxpayer", described the procedure required for registration in this service, pointed out the advantages of its use. Workers of MUP "Ulyanovskelectrosvyaz" actively asked questions relating to the procedure for obtaining benefits when you pay taxes, receive tax deductions, filling of the tax Declaration 3-NDFL, to all these questions they have received detailed answers.

The following speaker made by the representative of JSC "Binbank". She talked about how, what tricks are the fraudsters to take control of funds of citizens, and also about how to protect themselves in the financial market and to protect yourself from fraudulent attacks.

The next event on 30 may was the lesson of the tax assistance and financial literacy in 31 brigade of the airborne troops.

The speakers of the lesson were the expert of management of Federal service on supervision in sphere of protection of consumer rights and human welfare in the Ulyanovsk region gross Alla Eduardovna and a specialist inspection of Federal tax service of Zavolzhsky area of Ulyanovsk Alexander V. Yaroslavtseva.

Gross A. E., spoke about consumer protection and reasonable behaviour on the market of financial services, on the safe use of plastic cards etc. the Tax inspector informed those present employees of the organization about the importance of paying property taxes, recalled the terms of their payment, explained what should be the actions of the population in receipt of tax notices. Told about the convenience and necessity of the use of "Personal Cabinet of the taxpayer", the actions required to gain access to it.

Coverage totaled 296.

Within the Month tax assistance and financial literacy Financial management of a city Administration of Ulyanovsk has conducted outreach through distribution of informational materials. Brochures are booklets of small size and consist of several pages. The topics are diverse: the fundamental rights of consumer of financial services. If rights are violated; Finance and housing. Apartment for rent; Neat the taxpayer; Family budget; car Loan; Voluntary pension savings; Microfinance, credit cooperatives; Choice of loan terms; Mortgage loan; Consumer credit; Payment services; the Bankruptcy of a citizen; a Bank Deposit and account; Debit card; Credit card; OSAGO And dsago; Hull; Insurance; Credit card; Banks: deposits and loans.

In a small book difficult to read information presented in available form in the form of charts, graphs and tables. The total number of booklets made up of 3,900 pieces.

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