In order to enhance activities and organizations that work to increase tax and non-tax revenues of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" approved and implemented The action plan

aimed at increasing the rate of economic growth and social stability in the municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk", increase of revenue and optimization of expenses of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for 2015-2017 (the order of a city administration of Ulyanovsk 24.04.2015 №149-p).

The plan contains measures to increase revenues in all main revenue sources of the city budget. It includes measures to reduce accounts payable under the tax to incomes of physical persons, reducing informal employment, strengthening of payment discipline of labor, the formation and increase the tax base, increase the level of collected tax revenues, reduction of losses of unprofitable enterprises and their transition into the category of profitable and all possible ways of raising additional budget revenues.

In order to implement budget and tax policy of the municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for 2017 and the planning period of 2018 and 2019 (2017), approved and is implementing an The action plan.


The plan includes measures to retain and increase tax and non-tax capacity of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk", to continue working on debt reduction for taxes and levies, to ensure balanced and sustainable city budget, further implementation of the budget of the city based on the municipal programs.

In addition, approved and implemented  The action plan consolidation of budget funds to stabilize municipal finances of the municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for 2016-2019 (order of a city administration of Ulyanovsk from 27.12.2016 No. 443-R) and The plan of measures aimed at mobilizing additional revenues of the consolidated budget of Ulyanovsk region for 2017 due to the increase of efficiency of taxation of property on the territory of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk".

In the framework of the organization of work on identification of tax violations in the territory of the municipality Head of administration of Ulyanovsk city approved "Road map" for the implementation of counteractions schemes of tax evasion.

In the implementation of the roadmap, involving almost all the sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of management and structural divisions of a city administration of Ulyanovsk.

In the framework of the work aimed at increasing tax and non-tax potential resolution of a city administration of Ulyanovsk established The interdepartmental Commission to increase tax and non-tax potential of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk", which coordinates and ensures the effective interaction of structural divisions of a city administration of Ulyanovsk with the Executive bodies of state power of the Ulyanovsk region and territorial bodies of Federal agencies in the implementation of measures aimed at increase of budget revenues of the city.

Approved the work plan of the interagency Commission for increasing tax and non-tax potential of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for 2017. The plan outlines key activities relating to the execution of the revenue part of the budget, debt, tax and non-tax payments, inventory areas, and other possible ways of raising additional budget revenues.

In the Commission act  working groups 

fixed types of income and types of economic activity that make use of the experience of work in this direction in the Government of the Ulyanovsk region and in a number of regional centers of the Russian Federation.

A 21 working group:

- 10 types of income;

- 7 types of economic activities;

- 4 inventory of the city.

Among the possible tools to identify reserves for increasing the tax base at the municipal level - inventory site. The administrations of the city – the working groups together with Federal agencies, tax service and police, who are endowed with the appropriate Federal authority, carried out "raids" to:

- identification of business entities, not consisting on the tax account;

- non-resident organizations operating in the territory of the Ulyanovsk region for a period of more than 1 month and not delivered on the tax account as a separate subdivision;

- unregistered immovable property;

objects of incomplete construction, actually completed and operated;

- cases are not the conclusion by employers of the labour contracts with employees;

individuals who rent out residential and non-residential immovable property.

The inventory area is carried out in accordance with approved for 2017  schedules "raids",

coordinated with representatives of Federal agencies. For 2017 total planned 490 raids.

In order to assist small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals who plan to become entrepreneurs on issues related to taxation and changes in tax laws, training seminars, round tables, according to  the schedule of workshops in this area, involving representatives of the tax authorities and the Pension Fund.

It should be noted that the work aimed at increasing tax and non-tax potential of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" conducted by structural divisions of a city administration, involved more than 80 experts.

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