How to submit an appeal to the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk?

Your petition may be handwritten or printed. If You write by hand, the text must be legible, logical and concise in nature. If necessary, in support of their arguments You can attach to the written application documents and materials on the subject matter, or copies of them. The treatment can be collective, in this case it must be signed by all the citizens (by signature (name) and address or indication of apartment in an apartment building) and at least part of the signatures must be on the sheet where the end of the address text. The appeal will be considered within 30 days from the date of its registration. In the case where the consideration of the application more time is required, the period may be extended by the head of the city administration of Ulyanovsk, at the request of the contractor, but not more than 30 days. You will be notified separately. If Your question is not relevant to the competence of the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk, the appeal, under current legislation (Federal law of 02.05.2006 №59-FZ "On procedure of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation") will be forwarded for consideration in accordance with the competence, You will notify the contractor entrusted with the consideration of the appeal.

The ATTENTION of all citizens sent an appeal to the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk! The Executive bodies of state power of the Ulyanovsk region, local authorities in Ulyanovsk region have the right not to consider Your appeal if You have not provided accurate details or did not leave a return address for the response! Remain unanswered for the treatment, in the text which contain obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of officials and members of his family. (Federal law of 02.05.2006 №59-FZ "On procedure of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation").

You can send a written request to the address: Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Kuznetsova str., 7, 432970

Email your written request can be sent to the following address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Electronic appeals can be sent via the "feedback" the official Internet site of the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk. The response is sent to the specified in the address address.

In November 2013, our family had a third child. The eldest child of 14 years. Are there any benefits to any taxes to large families living in the city of Ulyanovsk?

On the territory of the city established tax benefits for real estate in the form of exemption from tax the following categories of taxpayers relating to large families:
- under the tax to property of physical persons, owners of residential premises who are members of families, having the education and the content of three and more children under the age of 18 and (or) training of trainers in educational institutions, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education in full-time education – until graduation until graduation, but no more than before achievement of age of 23 years. The exemption is available for 2013,2014 and 2015.
- land tax, citizens having three and more children under the age of 18, as well as those of minor children in respect of land plots provided for free by local authorities for inpidual housing construction. The exemption is effective from 01.07.2011.

In 2014, acquired a parcel of land with a house in the Northern part of the city of Ulyanovsk. In what terms should I pay taxes for the property?

For 2014, inpiduals who are not inpidual entrepreneurs, the payment of land tax is made by 01 July 2015, tax on property of physical persons - not later than 1 November 2015.
Starting in 2015, the terms of payment for this category of taxpayers are: tax on property of physical persons and land tax no later than 01 October following the year for which estimated taxes.

How to calculate land tax on land provided for inpidual housing construction?

The tax is calculated based on the cadastral value of the land. The tax code provides the upper limit of rates according to land of 0.3 per cent. In the city of Ulyanovsk determined rate of 0.15%.

Issues of taxpayers that occur when carrying out the action "Week of the tax assistance" on the territory of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk"

What is the procedure for paying the land tax of physical persons registered as the inpidual businessman, for the lands used for entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the city of Ulyanovsk?

Physical persons – entrepreneurs in respect of owned land, used or intended for use in the business, land tax is calculated independently. The tax calculation is based on the cadastral value of land, determined by authorized bodies (Rosreestr), land tax rates established by the decision of the Ulyanovsk municipal Duma from 13.07.2005 №135 "On land tax in the territory of the municipality "city of Ulyanovsk" in relation to the permitted use and category of the land. The tax shall be paid in the manner and terms established by this decision. At the end of the tax period to the tax authority at the location of the land is tax Declaration.

When a person gets an apartment, when does the obligation to pay property tax?

The obligation to pay the property tax of physical persons arises from the moment of state registration of rights to the property concerned and the tax authority in which the property is located.

When the transfer of ownership from one owner to another during a calendar year tax is paid the original owner on January 1 of the year prior to the month in which it lost the right of ownership of the above property and the new owner - beginning with the month in which the latter emerged the right of ownership.

For example, if You bought an apartment on March 15 this year, the property tax will be assessed starting March 1, and the seller of the apartment has to pay a property tax for the first 2 months of 2013 (January-February).

Commercial property located in the territory of the city of Ulyanovsk brought in to the scheme of non-stationary objects. In what authorities you can contact for future use?

You must contact the Office preparation of documents on ground and town-planning of administration of city of Ulyanovsk to the address: Ulyanovsk, Goncharov str., 38/8 office 41.

Does the right to include in the professional tax deduction for the amount of expenses related to the payment of land tax?

The amount of land tax actually paid by the taxpayer in the tax period, are not included in the expenses reducing tax base under the tax to incomes of physical persons. the Implementation of payment by an inpidual entrepreneur of the amounts of land tax depends on the type of business, since the tax is paid, regardless of whether such activities or not (clarification given in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 13.09.13 no 03-04-05/37924).

At what point an inpidual entrepreneur paying the tax to incomes of physical persons has the right to take into account the costs cost of goods purchased for resale: at the time of acquisition or at the time of their implementation?

According to the position of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, an inpidual entrepreneur must take into account the costs when calculating the tax on income of inpiduals the value of the purchased goods only after receipt of money from its implementation (letter of the Russian Finance Ministry from 02.02.12 No. 03-04-05/8-107), because the expenses must be directly related to the generation of income (paragraph 1 article 221 TC RF). However, according to judicial practice, the entrepreneur is entitled to deduct the cost paid for the goods at the time of purchase and of payment, without waiting for receipt of money from the buyer (FAS Volga region district from 28.07.11 №A65-21464/2010, the Decision of the SAC dated 08.10.10 No. YOU 9939/10).

Whether an inpidual entrepreneur - the lessee to buy the leased premises which are in municipal ownership and what is the procedure for payment for the purchased real estate?

Inpidual entrepreneur – the lessee within the framework of realization of the Federal law from 22.07.2008 N 159-FZ has a preemptive right to purchase the leased property. Payment for this property shall be a lump sum or in installments by monthly payments in equal shares. The period of installment payment on the territory of the municipality "city of Ulyanovsk" may not exceed five years.

Please explain during what time of the response to comments to us at the inspection?
In accordance with paragraph 3.6. The exercise of Financial control of the administration of Ulyanovsk city authority municipal internal financial control approved by the resolution of a city administration of Ulyanovsk of 18.12.2013 № 5403 written objections to the inspection report are considered by the Financial Department within 10 working days from the date of receipt of objections.

Tell me, please, how can I find out the start date for the review at our institution?

In accordance with paragraph 3.5 of the exercise of the Financial control of the administration of Ulyanovsk city authority municipal internal financial control approved by the resolution of a city administration of Ulyanovsk of 18.12.2013 № 5403, the Department shall notify the object of control of conduct in respect of his planned control measures no later than 3 working days before its beginning, to conduct an unscheduled control measures – at least 24 hours.

What kind of responsible, proven companies that have defaulted in the due time requirement?

In accordance with paragraph 3.14 of the exercise of the Financial control of the administration of Ulyanovsk city authority municipal internal financial control approved by the resolution of a city administration of Ulyanovsk of 18.12.2013 № 5403 control projects not performed within the prescribed period, the requirements of the Financial management shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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