A resolution of the city administration of Ulyanovsk from 04.05.2016 No. 1478 approved the regulations on the project "people's budget.

We invite residents of the city of Ulyanovsk to take part in the project "national budget".

A member of the project may be every citizen over the age of 18 who are not municipal employees or a member of City Council and apply for participation in the project.

This project provides for the distribution of the inhabitants of the city of Ulyanovsk budget allocations for the implementation of their action proposals in the amount of 30 million rubles earmarked for this purpose in the draft budget for 2018.

The application form and all additional information about the project can be found on the official website of the city administration and Financial management in the section "people's budget" (http://фин-73.рф, http://ulmeria.ru), in the newspaper "Ulyanovsk today" (release from 14.04.2017).

The application form for participation in the project may be submitted up to 17.00 03 may 2017 according to the Appendix № 1 to the Regulation on the project "national budget" one of the following ways:

address: 432700, Ulyanovsk, Kuznetsova str., 7, hall of 1 floor of the city administration;

Fax: 8 (8422) 42-58-79;

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Information message about the project "people's budget"

Dear residents of the city of Ulyanovsk!

The city administration of Ulyanovsk reported that the collection of applications for participation in the project "people's budget" 2018 ended may 3, 2017.

During the application company has received 396 applications.

The procedure of drawing lots to create a budget Committee will take place on the 11th may 2017 in 16 hours. 00 minutes to the address: Ulyanovsk, PR-t guy, building 15 (the building DK "Kondakova").

Registration of citizens who submitted applications for participation in the project, will be made with a passport from 14.30 to 16.00.

Please note, the personal presence of the citizens who submitted applications for participation in the project "national budget" 2018 is mandatory.

Dear residents of the city of Ulyanovsk!

May 11 in DC "Kondakova" in the framework of the regional project, and procedures for the formation of the composition. biudzhetnoi reserve Commission lottery people's budget in 2018.

From the number of residents who submitted applications for participation in the project, participated in the draw for 205 people.

According to the results of the Commission conducted by selected members of the draw biudzhetnoi:

Olga Petrova Abdulhey

Hope G. Zakharova

Tatiana Subernova<

Bob Irina

Klapkova Elena

Kocheturova Anna

Ilyina Anastasiya Olegovna

Mikhailova Irina Markelova

Nina Ilinichna Vukolova

Anatoly Pisanets

Maksimova Svetlana

Olga Umanovo

Antonina Petrovna Belawan

Grishin Alexander Vasiliev

Slinky Sergey

In the reserve, in the order of drawing of lots selected the following citizens:

Vasilyev Alexander V.

Elena L. Hamitova

Ivanova Tatyana Savelyeva

Alfiya Mukadirova Nigmatullin

Merkulova Yelena Anatolyevna

Nikolaeva Tatyana Lazareva

Timofeeva Tatiana Sidorkina

Olga Krasilnikova

Irina Valerianova Of Igoni

Afanasiev Alexey

Filippov Evgenii Alekseevich

Kim Natalia Gennadievna

Mars Migurski Aleksandrovich

Osipov, Sergey G.

Chernikov Mikhail Gorbachev


The plan of measures on realization of the project "national budget"

The application form initiatives

Information message about the project "people's budget"

May 19, members of the budget Committee and members of the reserve budget of the Commission in the framework of the project "national budget" in 2018, the training and explanation of order of formation and execution of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk.

Make proposals members of the budget Committee of the 2018

May 26 held a meeting to make proposals members of the budget Committee in the framework of the project "national budget" in 2018.

It was announced just 15 suggestions:

1. Abdullina Olga Petrova "the Creation of the city history Museum, the Lenin Komsomol."

2. Zaharova Nadezhda Grigorievna "Safe rest area - children's happiness" in S. White Key on-site TOS"Spring".

3. Subernova T. A. "Landscaping in front of the library. I. A. Goncharov" Kirova-40.

4. Vasina Irina "the Improvement of the Park "birch grove" on the street Freestyle.

5. Klapkova Elena "national stage" in the Park of the 100th anniversary Ammunition plant.

6. Kocheturova Anna S. "uncle Stepa in the yard," creating a stylized children's Playground on site Zasviyazhskiy district.

7. Ilyina Anastasiya Olegovna "Square USTs" (landscaping).

8. Markelova Irina "Sports city" (MKR-n the lower terrace).

9. Vukolova Nina Ilinichna "people's square "Dynasty" St. Samara 23,25.

10. Pisanets Anatoly "Alley square graduates and veterans UWTU" (street of Karl Marx - 38).

11. Maksimova Svetlana "Repair the house of culture "Builder".

12. Umnova Olga Vladimirovna "Profi+" create a mini-propcontrol on the basis of CCC No. 2, CDT No. 6.

13. Antonina Petrovna Belova "Park Improvement "Chestnut Avenue" 2018".

14. Grishina Alexandra "We live on a street hero."

15. Slinkin Sergey "the improvement of the pleasure grounds pre-school educational institutions".

The direction chosen by the members of the budget Committee for their initiative proposals dealing with education, culture, improvement of squares and parks.




The information message on results of voting of the members of the budget Committee

On 23 June held a meeting of the members of the budget Committee to select the proposals by voting in the framework of the project "national budget" in 2018.
The results of the voting generated a list of action proposals, selected members of the budget Committee for implementation in 2018.
The review was submitted 15 proposals, of which 8 selected action proposals:
- "Improvement of the Park "birch grove"
- "Safety rest area-children's happiness"
- "Improvement of the pleasure grounds pre-school educational institutions"
"The landscaping in front of the library. I. A. Goncharov"
- "Uncle Stepa in the yard"
- "Square UZTS"
- "Alley square graduates and veterans UWTU"
- "Repair DK Builder".
Information on the implementation of the selected proposals will be posted quarterly on the official website of the Financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk fin-73.of the Russian Federation.

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