The mode of the selection financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk:

Monday-Friday from 8-00 to 12-00 and 13-00 to 17-00

The address of the receiving financial management of a city administration of Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk, Kuznetsova str., 7, K. 212

Phone: 41-40-76, Fax: 42-58-79

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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The post


Barmin Aleksandr

The Deputy Head of the city administration - head of Financial Department of administration of city of Ulyanovsk

8 (8422) 41-40-76

Povarova Natal'ya Sergeevna

Deputy head of Department –
the head of the budgetary Department

8 (8422) 42-58-05

Kapustina Elena Vladimirovna

Deputy head of budget Department

8 (8422) 42-58-06

Pankova Oksana Vladimirovna Deputy head of budget Department 8 (8422) 42-58-86
ZHulega Olga Rafisovna Deputy head of Department - head of planning Department of revenue, monitoring of revenues and implementation of tax policy 8 (8422) 42-58-69
Bekteeva Venera Anvershatovna Deputy head of planning Department of revenue, monitoring of revenues and implementation of tax policy 8 (8422) 42-58-81
Dolgova Galina Vyacheslavovna Deputy head of planning Department of revenue, monitoring of revenues and implementation of tax policy 8 (8422) 42-58-84
Hamelyanina Ol'ga Evgen'evna

Deputy head of Department – the head of Department of financing of the local economy and governance

8 (8422) 42-58-04
Tyurina Irina Vasil'evna

The Deputy chief of Department of financing of the local economy and governance

8 (8422) 42-58-83

Lazarieva Elena Anatol'evna

Deputy head of Department - the head of legal and staffing

8 (8422) 41-35-06

Potapov, Artem V.

Deputy head of legal and staffing

8 (8422) 42-58-72

Tatyana Kozubenko

The head of budget accounting and reporting 8 (8422) 42-58-88

Zhuravleva Galina Nikolaevna

Deputy head of budget accounting and reporting

8 (8422) 42-58-73

Baranova Ol'ga Aleksandrovna

Acting head of the audit Department

8 (8422) 42-58-68

Sharova Olga Borisovna

Deputy head of the audit Department

8 (8422) 42-58-68

Vorozhtsov Oleg Sergeevich The acting head of the Department of information systems and administrative support 8 (8422) 42-58-80
Kachanov Maxim Alexandrovich Deputy head of division of information systems and administrative support 8(8422) 41-16-37



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