Data on results of check of observance of MBU SIMBIRTSIT requirements 44-FZ (12.04.2017-18.04.2017)

Data on results of check of observance of MBU TO "Children and youth sports school "Youth" of the requirements of the Federal law of 05.04.2013 No. 44 in the implementation of expenditure for the purchase of goods, works, services (03.04.2017-07.04.2017)

Data on results of control activities undertaken in the framework of financial control in MBU "City specialized funeral service of the city of Ulyanovsk" (12.12.2016-30.12.2016)

Data on results of control activities undertaken in the framework of financial control in MBOU "secondary school Fruit" (10.10.2016-03.11.2016)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBOU "secondary school № 64" (12.09.2016-30.09.2016)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBOU "Karlinskaya high school" (07.09.2016-07.10.2016)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBU TO "DYUSSH of Leninsky district" (14.07.2016-12.08.2016)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBU TO "Children's school of arts named after M. A. Balakirev" (11.05.2016-10.06.2016)

Data on results of check of observance of MBU "the Management of civil protection of the city of Ulyanovsk" the requirements of Federal law 44-FZ (01.02.2016-29.02.2016)

Data on results of control measures conducted in the framework of financial control audit Financial Department of administration of city of Ulyanovsk Municipal budgetary institution "the Directorate of civil protection of the city of Ulyanovsk" (20.01.2016-19.02.2016)

Data on results of check of legality and efficiency of use of means of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" MBOU "Lugovskaya osnovnaya obshheobrazovatelnaya SHKOLA" (06.04.2016-06.05.2016)  

Data on results of check of legality and efficiency of use of means of the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" MBDOU "the kindergarten of the combined kind №6" (01.02.2016-29.02.2016)

Data on results of check of observance of MDOU "Suburban high school" the requirements of Federal law 44-FZ (12.10.2015-27.11.2015)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MDOU "Suburban high school" (12.10.2015-27.11.2015)

Data on results of check of observance of MBU "center for Urban landscaping and gardening of Ulyanovsk" the requirements of Federal law 44-FZ (17.08.2015-18.09.2015)

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MADOU "the kindergarten № 258" 

Data on results of check of observance of MBU "center for Urban landscaping and gardening of Ulyanovsk" the requirements of Federal law 44-FZ

Data on results of check of observance of MBU "Management of engineering protection" requirements of Federal law 44-FZ

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBU "Management of engineering protection"

Data on results of check of observance of MBU "Right Bank" of the requirements of Federal law 44-FZ

Information about the results of our audit of the financial and economic activities MBU Pravyy Bereg

Data on results of check of observance of the fuel and energy complex of municipal institutions of education and culture of the city of Ulyanovsk

Data on results of check of the ratio of the average salary of heads of establishments and average wage of workers of municipal authorities of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk"

The test results in the MBU Stroyzakazchik

The results of the inspection in the municipal budget institution "Stroyzakazchik"

The results of the inspection in MAUK "Vladimir garden" (audit of financial and economic activities)

The test results in MUP "Ulyanovsk urban electric grid"

The test results in the MBU "the Management of civil protection of the city of Ulyanovsk"

The test results in the MBU "City specialized funeral service of the city of Ulyanovsk"

The test results in the MBU "the Contact centre at the Head of the city of Ulyanovsk"

The test results in the MBU "Directorate single customer"

The test results in the Ulyanovsk MUP "Urban heating"

Analysis results of MDOU the Center of development of the child - kindergarten № 244

Analysis results of MDOU the Center of development of the child - a kindergarten № 188

The test results in the Lyceum of physics, mathematics, computer science No. 40 at Ulyanovsk state University

Analysis results of MBDOU Detskiy sad № 72

The test results in Lugovskaya MBOU osnovnaya obshheobrazovatelnaya SHKOLA

The test results in MBDOU kindergarten of compensating type № 75 "the Sun"

The test results in MBOU SOSH № 12

The results of the inspection in the school № 22 with intensive study of foreign languages named after Basil Tesleva

The test results in UMUP Teplokom

The test results in MBOU SOSH No. 81 of them.Hero of the Soviet Union General D. M. Karbyshev

The test results in the Ulyanovsk municipal enterprise "City teploservis"

Analysis results of MBDOU Detskiy sad №13

The test results in the MAOU DOD DSHI № 2

The test results in MBOU secondary school № 35

The test results in the Ulyanovsk MP "Gorsvet"

The test results in MADOU kindergarten obserazvivaysego a kind № 90 "Bear"

The results of the test in MBUK "Centralized library system"

The test results in MUP BPH "Russian baths"

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