22.05.2014                                                                                               № 2467



On amendments into the resolution of a city administration of Ulyanovsk on 10/10/2013 No. 4395



In order to implement the principle transparency (openness) of the budget system of the Russian Federation and ensuring full and accessible information to citizens on the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" in accordance with The budget code of the Russian Federation, guided by the Charter of a municipal education "Ulyanovsk", the CITY ADMINISTRATION of ULYANOVSK DECIDES:

1. To amend paragraphs 3.1, 3.9 of section 3 Order granting information about the budget of municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for another financial year and the planning period and report on performance the municipal formation "city of Ulyanovsk" for accounting fiscal year in available to citizens, approved a resolution of the city administration of Ulyanovsk dated 10.10.2013 No. 4395, change outlining them as follows:

«3.1. The budget for citizens based on the draft decision on approval of the annual report the budget of the city, is a Financial management official the website in the period up to may 15 of the year following the reporting year.»;

«3.9. The Section "Interbudgetary transfers" includes information on the amounts actually received interbudgetary transfers from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region.».

2. The present decision is subject to official publication in the newspaper "Ulyanovsk today".



The head of the city administration                                                               S. S. Panchin